learn the whole negative picture. What not to be, to do, to express, to say, etc. He has to build up just as precise a collection of negative no-nos as he does of positive, approved patterns. All rolled together these make the nucleus of the "girl within." She is a complete set of patterns for living but a set kept in most cases under secure repression. She must not be allowed to see the light of day because then her "brother," the visible and developed personality, would be in trouble. People would call him names, accuse him of unacceptable behavior, tease him and generally make life miserable. So the girl is there in the dungeon alright and I'm very pleased to find Mr. Roszak saying it in so many words.
I hope too that I've made it clear to you, the reader of these words that when speaking of the "dual personality" concept I do not mean necessarily that the two are of equal stages of development and that one can change from one to the other in a moment. No, what I want to get over is that we all have this potential second personality and how far she develops, i.e. grows up, depends on our own individual circum-
But lets examine the implications of the second part of Mr. Roszaks "THAT is the basic act of oppression which still waits to be undone He isn't putting in any plea for FPs I doubt if he even knows much about us. He is speaking for every man and in that context those are pretty strong words, don't you think, saying that it is a basic act of oppression for every man to keep his own femininity in the dungeons of his psyche? Obviously righting that wrong would involve letting all those incarcerated feminine aspects out for all the world to see. What he is saying is exactly what I've been saying and lecturing about for years, that each of us man and woman is only a half human being. Half because at birth and shortly thereafter each of us had half of himself or herself designated as a no-no area and in effect told that we couldn't live that part of ourselves. Thus we go through life an emotion- al cripple, hobbling around on one psychic leg as it were and trying to do the best we can with only half of our potential available to us. Now we are all pretty used to this so it has come to seem "natural.” Yet two kinds of people rise up to challenge it. 1) the femmiphiles and strange as it may seem to the more chauvenistic among you, 2) those women who understand and support womens liberation.
In the last analysis what the womens libbers are saying and what FPs are saying too is, "give us back our other half, let us be whole human beings, stop incarcerating us within fixed stereotypes that males must